BuzzGays Trending Videos

See the videos being watched the most often in this trending section. Whether you watch it once, twice or ten more times, these porn scenes never disappoint.

Pretty boy, hot little body, sweet creamy load

Pretty boy, hot little body, sweet creamy load 3:53

Beautiful, mouthwatering cock

Beautiful, mouthwatering cock 8:27

Spanking and raw bull balls tasting

Spanking and raw bull balls tasting 20:27

Fucking a whiny bottom

Fucking a whiny bottom 27:30

Indonesian younger and elder man

Indonesian younger and elder man 5:12

Hong Kong Special

Hong Kong Special 20:58

Fucking neighbor on the staircase

Fucking neighbor on the staircase 7:10

Young twink webcam jerking show

Young twink webcam jerking show 13:53


Powerfucked 11:42

Gay twink visiting his uncle

Gay twink visiting his uncle 14:30

Young buddy sucking off and taking load

Young buddy sucking off and taking load 3:54

Grandpa fucks young tight hole

Grandpa fucks young tight hole 4:15

Amateur femboy deepthroat

Amateur femboy deepthroat 1:25

Taking dad's seed

Taking dad's seed 1:14

For gingerbread lovers

For gingerbread lovers 2:06

Pulsating dicks pumping hot loads

Pulsating dicks pumping hot loads 8:10

What white boys are made for

What white boys are made for 9:38

Twink angels with good shape bodies

Twink angels with good shape bodies 15:12

Gangbang outdoors

Gangbang outdoors 18:20

Blowjob at the beach

Blowjob at the beach 6:23

Dominant daddy fucks his slutty boy

Dominant daddy fucks his slutty boy 10:05

Sweet Russian twinks fucking bareback

Sweet Russian twinks fucking bareback 12:28

Gay twink power fucked in car

Gay twink power fucked in car 16:30

Riding a young lustful bottom

Riding a young lustful bottom 10:02